Why Taiwan Manufacturers Are Choosing PING 3D Printers For Their Design Departments

Why Taiwan Manufacturers Are Choosing PING 3D Printers For Their Design Departments

3D printing makes it easy to manufacture prototypes, refine your designs, and get your products to market ahead of competitors who rely on traditional prototyPING methods. There are a lot of 3D printers to choose from, so why are Taiwan manufacturers choosing PING 3D printers for their design departments? Read on to discover how all 3D printers are really not the same!


What makes 3D printers so popular with design departments in Taiwan today?

There are five reasons Taiwan manufacturers are buying 3D printers for their design departments in 2024.

  1. Rapid turnaround from design to prototype
  2. Easy refinement and adjustment of designs
  3. Adding the capability to build more complex designs
  4. Enables inexpensive manufacturing of multiple variations on a design
  5. Significantly reduces the cost of early design and prototyPING stages

Let’s have a look at each of these reasons in a bit more detail, because a 3D printer needs to really deliver these benefits and not just add more complexity and cost to your design process!

Rapid turnaround

With a reliable, high quality, 3D printer in your design department, you can move very rapidly from design to production of prototypes. You no longer have to wait for your prototype to be manufactured by specialists, or have the problem of finding the right company to make your prototypes for you.

Easy refinement of designs

Because you are working in-house, and 3D printing is a quicker method than other prototyPING techniques, there’s nothing to stop you from reprinting your design after making adjustments and changes. This makes it more likely that your design department will refine the design to make it as good as possible, and not be held back by outsourced costs and delays.

Complex & intricate designs build new opportunities

3D printing can make objects that cannot be created by subtractive manufacturing, or are much more difficult to manufacture by traditional methods. Using clean breakaway materials in dual material printers enables the printing of remarkably complex objects, even hollow objects containing moving parts. PING’s patented 2-in-1-out extruder technology produces clean results using breakaway materials with no need for additional finishing.
Easy, inexpensive, customization encourages thorough testing of alternative designs and is ideal for short production runs.
Printing with a PING 3D printer is so inexpensive compared to outsourced prototyPING that Taiwan manufacturers can see the benefits of having a design department that is now able to carry out thorough testing of different versions of the same design before deciding on the best options, and unlike costly outsourced prototyPING you can even produce short production runs at competitive prices.


PING delivers the perfect combination of high quality 3D printing with excellent customer support

PING delivers the perfect combination of high quality 3D printing with excellent customer support

We’ve established the main reasons why Taiwan manufacturers are choosing 3D printers for their prototyPING and short production run needs, but why choose PING 3D printers and not another brand?

What benefits of 3D printing are attracting attention from Taiwan manufacturers?

  • Quick turnaround from design to finished prototype
  • Ability to print very complex and unique designs
  • Cost savings compared to traditional outsourcing

If you have ever tried 3D printing, you will probably have discovered that it is often difficult to get right, and the benefits of rapid printing and design iteration seems like a far away dream when your generic 3D printer produces distorted, poorly printed results that are not fit for purpose.


How do PING 3D printers help you get perfect results every time?

How do PING 3D printers help you get perfect results every time?

  • Dual 2-in-1-out patented extrusion nozzle enables superior dual-material printing quality and offers expanded capabilities, such as easy-to-remove supports, soft-hard combinations, and color mixing printing.
  • Clean breakaway support material for ultra clean finishes without sagging
  • Temperature controlled bed & enclosed cabinet stops print separation from print bed
  • Expert customer support and training for all skill levels and technical requirements

With a PING 3D printer, you are not only getting the benefit of the best dual material nozzle technology on the market, and the most accurate Delta printer, you are also joining the PING family for dedicated customer support.

When you lease or buy a 3D printer from PING, we show our commitment to you by offering both on-site training in Taiwan and remote technical support including advice and guidance for printing even the most difficult components. Your success is part of our success, and with PING 3D printing your design team has immediate access to the best professional help to ensure excellent results.

Contact us today to discover the PING difference! You can have a 3D printer that delivers efficient and precise, trouble-free prototyPING and short production run printing with the significant benefit of professional training, mentoring and support from our experienced team of dedicated engineers. Whether you lease or buy, we are here to help Taiwan manufacturers maintain their competitive advantage in the global market.